My 2024 Health Goals

Happy Monday friends!

It is a little ironic that I scheduled this post for today and woke up not feeling great but, I am really trying to stick to my blog calendar so we are going to solider on. Plus, what a great way to remember my health goals because not feeling well is the absolute worst. 😬

All the mama’s said amen right? Because yep, I caught whatever my kids brought home from school and while I don’t feel terrible enough to lay in bed, I also don’t feel good enough to be up and doing all the things and I don’t love that feeling.

Anyways, I shared with you guys earlier this month that I was going to be spending the month of January really focusing on getting clear on what I wanted to accomplish this year while also structuring my days and weeks to support those goals!

While I have some big business and personal goals, I know that none of them will be possible if my health and wellness isn’t a priority and knowing that I am battling Hypothyroidism which comes with a mind of it’s own on how it wants to treat my body, I know that I need to make sure that caring well for myself in regards to my heath, needs to be a big focus this year.

Here are my 5 health goals for 2024 -

  1. Lose weight - I thought about putting this one last but at the end of the day it is one of my top goals so why would I put it last? Over the last couple of years because grief, moving, depression/anxiety and my undiagnosed thyroid issues for so long, I packed on the weight. I weigh right now what I weighed when I gave birth to Paisley and while I don’t care to get back to prebaby weight (is that even a thing 10 years later LOL) I do want to get to a healthy weight for my height and age. Why? Because I know that my mind and body will feel better shedding the extra and I really want to feel better.

  2. Regular Exercise - I can put off a workout with the best of them but, I have been really enjoying my 6am workouts over the last couple weeks and I want to keep them going. It starts my day better, less likely am I to not do it if I just get it done early and I know that my mind and body thank me for the movement. My goal is M-F exercising for 45 minutes and on the weekend to be active whether this is walking, swimming, etc.

  3. Get enough sleep - I am a terrible sleeper but I am making it a priority to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. The key for me here is to go to bed earlier. My recent 5am wake ups have definitely been helping with that but I do want to make it a priority to be in bed and falling asleep no later than 10pm.

  4. Limit sugar and alcohol - In addition to just overall eating better and mostly whole foods I want to make sure that I am watching my sugar intake which is the hardest thing for me and alcohol. I don’t drink much but when our social calendars start to fill up I do more and honestly, it just makes me feel like crap. Both sugar and alcohol are inflammatory and my body doesn’t need any help with that because it is inflamed so much right now with my thyroid.

  5. 80oz of water a day - I used to try to drink my body weight in water and that felt like too much water for my body if I am honest. I find that 80oz a day is a good goal for me and is where my body feels the best plus, it is easier to make myself drink it when I know that that is two 40oz cups a day, seems easier to tackle! I used to only drink water than got out of the habit and now I am trying to get it back into my habits!

So, nothing revolutionary and nothing you haven’t read before but honestly, I am finding that in reestablishing healthy boundaries and habits while caring well for myself is all about going back to the basics. When we overcomplicate we overstimulate our bodies and brains when simple, intentional steps are always the best!

What are you health and wellness goals? I would love to hear in the comments below!


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