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Mother’s Day 2023

Happy Monday friends!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and Mother’s Day!

These 3 and their Daddy made the day extra special for me — we went to church, out to eat for Mexican food where I had my favorite margarita and watched some of the Yankees game, they spoiled me with new splurgy sneakers, grabbed cheesecake and came home where I binge watched Firefly Lane and took a nap!

It was literally the best day I could have planned where it involved all my favorite things and spending good quality time with my favorite people. Moms of big kids (or almost big kids) you know how hard it is to get all your people in one place at one time so today was just good for my soul with all 3 of my kids together and enjoying family time.

The best gift I gave myself though? Staying off my phone all day long. I literally didn’t pick up my phone, look at social media or anything — I grabbed it to snap these 2 pictures and otherwise, it was away and on silent! And let me tell you….best decision I made. Not only did I get time unplugged from a screen and uninterrupted time with my family, I took care of my mental health and that is the best gift.

The truth is, Mother’s Day is probably my least favorite holiday and I struggle with it every year. I love being their Mom and celebrating with them but this day is also one full of grief for me. I have a very broken relationship with my own mom and this day has always highlighted that especially with the nonstop “I have the best mom” posts on social media. It is something that on the day to day doesn’t bother me anymore but on Mother’s Day it is a painful highlight. For most of my life, I had my Grandma to fill that void but after losing her in 2020, this day is now not just filled with the heartache of a broken relationship it is filled with tremendous grief in losing the women who filled all of those voids in my life. And gosh, it just makes for a day I really wish would be over fast.

Every year I am thankful for a husband and kids who give me so much grace to hold both the love of being their mom, the heartache of losing mine and the grief of such a big loss in no longer having my Mammaw here. They give me space to grieve, times to laugh and so much love!

If you too find yourself in that same position or feelings similar, I see you and pray for you! It is a hard day and I am so glad that isn’t being overlooked anymore. You are so loved and so worthy and even with a hard day, I hope you know how cherished you are.