Meal Plan Monday (9.9.24)

Happy Monday friends!

We had a great weekend with family in town and kicking off the NFL season! On Saturday we picked up our family from the airport, enjoyed a nice lunch together followed by the afternoon at the football field watching the girls cheer. After a good nights sleep on Sunday we headed to Tampa to watch the NFL season kickoff where our teams played against each other and we had a house divided cheering on the Bucs and Commanders. It was a great weekend of lots of fun and today, I am ready to knock out my to do list and get organized for the week ahead too!

As always, I am sharing my Monday Meal Plan with you and I will link to the recipes that I am using (if any) below. I hope that these meal plans inspire you to plan a little bit ahead to help make your days and weeks a little smoother (and your grocery bill a little lower!). This week we are keeping it extra simple as we still have family in town early this week and a busy week ahead with school, work and cheer.

No recipes this week as we keep it super super simple…

Friday - Breakfast for Dinner (BFD) we are doing eggs, hash browns and pancakes.

Sunday - Appetizers are going to be running to Publix to grab fun finger foods for a day of watching football after church.

Don’t forget that in busy seasons keeping it simple will help everyday get fed without eating out a bunch but also without pulling your hair out..remember, not every night needs to fancy and not everything has to be home cooked from scratch!


Weekend Happies


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