MDW 2023

Happy Tuesday that feels like Monday! 😂

We are taking it slow over here this morning after a busy first weekend of summer break! I am knocking out laundry and lots of computer work while the girls veg out on their tablets and TV. Feels like the perfect Tuesday after a holiday weekend spent in the sun!

Our Memorial Day weekend was filled with lots of family time and after a very busy May, we needed it! Here is a recap of our fun weekend with my favorite highlights….

On Saturday, we took our new boat out for the first time! It was busy since it was a holiday weekend and Oakley was full on over stimulated, LOL but we had the best time learning the boat, cruising around and having fun together fishing and swimming!

On Sunday the girls were in the local Memorial Day parade with their cheer squad! So proud of how hard they worked on conditioning and learning the parade routine this spring! So fun watching them and their teammates come together to celebrate the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for them to be able to do stuff like this!

Back on the boat on Monday! This time we left Oakley home and thank goodness because the waves were a little rougher and there were a ton of boat out. We had another fun day in the sun riding down to Sarasota, fishing, swimming and reading!

And all 3 kids learned how to drive the boat! The girls were so excited for Cam to be teaching them to drive down the river!

We had the best weekend together and we can’t wait for many boat days ahead!

And since the weekend wasn’t just about family time, it was about honoring the men and women who were brave enough to lay their lives down for us, I will end with this scripture that we stood on all weekend!


What’s Up Wednesday (May 2023)


Happy 12th Birthday Savannah!