Ahhh! Friends, we did it! Together we launched Shop Rooted and Free and what a crazy amazing week it has been!

I have said it before and I will say it 100 times, this dream has laid on my heart for so long and it feels so surreal to have it out there in the world. You know when you send your first child to preschool or kindergarten and deep down you know its going to be fine, great even but there is this huge pit in your stomach where you wonder…will they be okay? Will they be alive when I pick them up? Will they do x,y,z? That is exactly how I felt launching this boutique and the jitters I had leading up!

4 days in and my mind is blown at all of the support…for everyone who has shared, liked, commented and brought attention to our boutique on social and with friends/family - thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my dream and cheering me on. To everyone who purchased something from my boutique…I have no words! Thank you for believing in me and being as excited as I am over this launch and these products! It truly means the world to be to see my community rallying around me and helping to bring this dream to life! I appreciate it SO much!

I have seriously cried so many times from excitement and gratefulness and not going to lie….from exhaustion too! 😂

And I cried when Shopify completely crashed 5 minutes after I launched! Ya’ll I was seriously having a panic attack LOL I thought it was something that I did wrong but it was Shopify…I completely got locked out of my site and no one could check out. For 2 hours. And did I mention that it happened 5 minutes after I launched?

Cannot make it up. The enemy was in full force! But, I was reminded by so many amazing women that when the enemy attacks big like that it is because something bigger from God is around the corner.

Pictured above is me at 2:30 AM on Tuesday night prepping to ship items out to everyone who ordered. We had a little hiccup during the day on Tuesday with a product and that took up more time during the day so I wasn’t able to start shipping until evening (especially because then when I did my thermal printer wasn’t working…which may have been user error but nonetheless I had to wait for my hubby to come home and be my IT department LOL).

But, what you see here is dedication. Dedication to my dream, to my shop and to YOU! I hope you know I will do whatever I can to get you your items but also, whatever I can do to help you feel loved, seen and beautiful! I am committed to this community and can’t wait to watch it grow and see what we can create together!

Are you a Friday Night Lights fan? (If you aren’t, you should be!)

In the words of Coach Taylor….CLEAR EYES, FULL HEART, CAN’T LOSE! 💗


