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Let’s Look: Little Things I Do Everyday

Happy Wednesday and Happy Valentine’s Day friends!

Yesterday got away from me in time but I happy to be jumping back into the blogging world today with a Link Up with Shay and Erika! You know the drill, I love these old school blogging link ups and do them as often as I can!

Today’s prompt is such a fun post topic because, we all do so many little things everyday that make up our lives and habits and rhythms and they are always so fascinating. I think that is why we collectively love day in the life posts and following peoples routines on social media/reality TV, it is just so interesting for some reason.

If you follow me on social media than you know I have been laser focused this year on creating better daily routines so that my days go smoother as a whole and so that I can get everything accomplished in a week that want to/need to.

Okay so let’s dive in, here are 5 little things I do everyday that help make my days better -

  1. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee! During the week I wake up early so that I can enjoy it before the hustle and bustle of the day but on the weekends I enjoy laying in bed catching up on a show and drinking my coffee hot.

  2. Read a book! Whether this is my leadership development books as part of my quiet time in the morning or a book for fun, I really make it a habit to read at least 10 pages everyday.

  3. Review my calendar! Every single day. I review the day ahead and the next day so that nothing feels like a surprise to me. It is something I look at every single morning 365 days a year.

  4. Check my emails! Hi my name is Kate and I love my emails to be at zero when I go to bed every night. Having hundreds and thousands of emails stacking up stresses me out. I like a clear inbox whether that is personal email or my work email, I want them taken care of and gone.

  5. Take my medicine/vitamins! This is one of those habits that are hard to create and it took many years of putting alarms on my phone so I don’t forget but I can 100% feel a difference when I don’t take them so first thing in the morning this is a habit that I don’t ever want to skip.

Okay I want to hear yours, what are some of your little everyday habits?