Let’s Look Link Up: What’s In Our Pantry

Happy Wednesday friends! I don’t know about anyone else who returned back to school this week but, we are getting tired in our house with the early morning wake ups and the after school activities. My 5:00 AM alarm has come very quick every morning and when I woke Paisley up for school today she was definitely not the chipper one she was the last couple of days, ha!

Today I am coming at ya with another link up and a peek at the little things in life with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look! This a fun little monthly link up where we take a “peek behind the curtain and share a little something random in our lives. It’s just fun and silly and I always walk away with a few tips and tricks from reading other peoples posts!

This month, we are taking a peek at what is in our pantry’s and I had to laugh when I read Shay’s post because she is right, this prompt can be easily misspelled and well, that is a whole other post that we are definitely not going to cover here, ha!

Anyways, let’s get started and take a peek into my pantry. Now, I didn’t do anything here - literally opened my pantry door and snapped a few pictures, bad lighting and all.

Now is this my dream pantry? Not at all.

Is it organized and works for our family? Yes.

Do I wish it was all in pretty bins and matching and not just functional? Yep.

But, this is a rental while we house hunt and well, it works and before I invest in a whole matching, pretty set up I want us to be in our own home first. The home buying process where we live is bananas - currently there are only 3 homes in our budget that meet our criteria and well, we don’t love any of them so we are hanging onto this rental until we feel at peace with a decision so here we are, organized but not so cute pantry and all.

In our pantry is all of our baking goods, dry goods and cans, the dog food, paper products, bigger appliances (like the air fryer because we don’t have a lot of cabinet storage), lunchboxes and water. Basically, it is the kitchen catch all for anything that isn’t in the fridge and freezer.

I am a pretty organized person and I love to meal plan so our pantry stays pretty stocked without being excessive because nothing makes me ache more than throwing away expired or stale food. I always shop my pantry and fridge/freezer before ordering more groceries and the way it is organized helps me do grocery delivery pretty quickly.

We also stick with pretty much the same snacks, breakfast items and dry goods just switching up the flavors each week and adding what we need for meals we are making. We used to have so many more snacks but, I was finding that the kids then only wanted to snack and not each their meals so I have tried to streamline snacks in the house for us all.

I know it isn’t fancy like most pantry’s you see in the blogger world but I also can’t help but think that sometimes it is refreshing to also see everyday, “normal” homes like this too!


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