Let’s Look: Evening Routines

Hi friends, happy Wednesday!

Today is flying by but I am excited to jump into the blog world and connect with you for a few moments today. I had something else planned for today but, I saw that one of my favorite bloggers, Shay (Mix and Match Mama) was doing a link up today so I thought I would jump into that instead.

I love reading these link ups and taking a peek into other peoples lives and this prompt is right up my alley in what I love to read so I thought it was the perfect way to pop up into the blog world this Wednesday.

Since most of our weekdays look about the same and since that is probably the evenings we are all thinking of the most I think we will stick to looking at our weeknight evening routine during the school year because let’s be honest…the summer and weekends are filled with fun and pretty much no routines.

Alright, let’s dive into after school….

I finish working most days around 2:45/3:00 PM when I leave to get Savannah from school. Once I grab her from car line we head straight to Paisley’s carline right after. I truly despise waiting in carline but Paisley is out at 3:45 and by the time I am through Savannah’s line there really just isn’t enough time to do anything except wait. Sometimes if Savannah’s line goes quick we run through Starbucks but most days we just hop right in line.

Savannah and I will chat about her day and catch up, sometimes she will start her homework or sometimes we will listen to a podcast together. Whatever she is in the mood for is what we do and its been the sweetest 1-1 time with her. Once Paisley gets out and in the car we head home and are usually home around 4:15 PM.

The girls will unpack their backpacks, grab a snack and do their homework. We have tried many different routines but it works the best if we are doing homework right after school. Even though they are tired, they will be more tired if we wait until later so we knock it out. If I have work left to do for the day, I will work on that while they do homework. I really try to get most of my work done for the day before I get them from school so that I can help with homework but if I can’t get it all done I try to “save” the easier tasks for after school that I can get interrupted during without it being a big deal.

Usually the girls have about an hour of homework/studying and once that is done they will get changed for cheer and depending on the time they will have so chill out time before we leave. Around 5:30/5:40 PM we will head to the cheer field from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. We have cheer 3 nights a week now (versus 5 in August) so the girls and I head to the field and Cam will usually go to the gym or play pickle ball with his friends. Usually Joe will work late the nights we have cheer and get home around 7:00/7:30 so that he is home before us and can start or finish dinner.

I try to have a big meal on Sunday so we can do leftovers on Monday’s cheer night, I will do a crockpot meal on Tuesdays (that I start after school usually) and Thursdays a simple meal like spaghetti so that it is easy for Joe to pull together after a long day at work. We have realized that keeping dinner simple on those nights are key because they are long days for us all.

We usually get home from cheer around 8:30 PM and Cam is usually home just before us so we will sit down for dinner and catch up together. Then the kids take turns showering and cleaning the kitchen. Savannah will jump in the shower while Paisley cleans up dinner, then they switch and Savannah will do the dinner dishes and Cam will clean the kitchen when they are done then he will take the dog on a walk.

Joe and I will catch up, put laundry away or anything else we need to get done or catch up on then we are showering and everyone is headed to bed. Once the kids go to bed Joe and I will watch a show together or I will read while he watches the news depending on the night. Typically by 10:30 PM we are all asleep and ready for the 5:00 AM alarm to come again.

In this season of life we are definitely in full sports mode and running around but I wouldn’t change it for the world because I know from experience with Cam, one day we will miss sitting at a field watching them!


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