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Introducing Gathered by R+F

Ahh, I am so excited to introduce you all to Gathered, by Rooted and Free - a community for female founders!

Whatttt! I mean its a little surreal putting it out there like that but gosh, I am so dang excited.

Last year as I was wading through my first official year in business I put my head down and got to work. I literally worked for hours and hour and hours alone in my house and hustled to create the business I had always wanted. As I continued to grow and scale and put myself out there in one hand I was so excited for the success I was seeing and on the other hand felt so lonely and isolated. Sure, I am surrounded my family and friends. I have an amazing customer base and love the in person shopping opportunities to connect.

But, something was missing.

After a lot of prayer and going inward to figure out what was missing it was this…a community of like minded women chasing their dreams and building businesses.

I felt so alone in what I was trying to do and desired to have others around me who were doing something similar. And, probably feeling similar too.

I started chatting with some of the friends I have made through pop ups and seeing if they felt the same and the general consensus was yes, we all felt it. So, I went seeking something for us to join and spoiler alert, I couldn’t find it. And when I couldn’t find it, I decided to create it.

In the fall of 2022 we started getting together for dinner, we did a vision planning night together and I feel like it just sparked this fire in me that I knew was missing but was maybe afraid to say out loud because I had just started one business and that is when Gathered was officially born.

When I worked in full time ministry the greatest joy in my role was getting to pour into, mentor and coach, support and see in other women what maybe they couldn’t see in themselves. Nothing makes me happier than getting to see someones gifts and passions and helping them use those for their great purpose in this world. And, I miss doing it so much. It literally feels like the missing piece to my business puzzle and I am so excited to bring my own gifts and experience out to support women.

So, what does this look like?

For now we are continuing our monthly gatherings here locally and I plan to add in a quarterly way for us to come together to give back to our community. For Q1 we are going to do a clothing drive and support a local domestic violence shelter.

In 2024 I plan to offer local and virtual opportunities for women to gather and as we gather have coachable/learning opportunities for everyone who is part of it. Growing our communities and our businesses together!

I literally cannot wait to see where this takes me (us) and I have dreamt up some really big plans for Gathered, I can’t wait to see them come to fruition!

An official website is coming soon but for now, we are on IG HERE! I would love to have you follow along.