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International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day friends!

I had something else planned to share today but I wanted to pause and instead shout out these little ladies on International Women’s Day!

It’s no secret that I don’t have a great relationship with my mom. I can actually remember very few times in my life that we have been “close” or even on good terms (stemming back as far as much childhood) so honestly, while my heart desired to be a girl mom so badly, I was also so terrified. I can remember crying when I was pregnant with the girls because I just so badly wanted to be a good mom to them and foster a good relationship between them, something my sisters and I have never had.

They are now 9 and 11 and while I am not the perfect parent (no one is!!) I can confidently say that the girls and I are very close and that they are too! It has taken a lot of intentional work - a lot of healing on my part and a lot of open conversations with them about my fears but gosh, it has been so worth it.

I look at their beautiful smiles and I am so proud to be their mom. So honored to have the privilege of raising them and watch them grow into strong, smart, confident, generous young ladies!

So today, I celebrate them. I celebrate the future of the girls that I am raising and the impact they have in this world.

Strong women…may we know them, be them and raise them!