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Happy 2 Years R&F!

Today is a special day because my online boutique, Shop Rooted and Free turns TWO!!! 🥳

Some days it’s hard to believe that is has only been two years since we opened and other days it feels like oh my gosh, its been two years? Lol. Starting and running a business is very much like raising a baby and the birthdays just come so fast that they feel like a whirlwind!

Often times, I am so focused on the future and all that needs to be done that I can forget to be in the moment so today, I am working but taking it slow and just basking in the gratefulness and joy that I have calling this mine!

Launching Shop R&F has been such a labor of love and such a teacher for me personally and professionally. I’ve learned so much about myself by starting this business — some really hard truths but mostly, some really great ones!

Like, I know I can do anything I put my mind too and I can learn how to do anything if I really want to.

That I can ride the rollercoaster of a small business even on the hard days.

That I can be my biggest cheerleader and advocate and sometimes, I need to be because if I’m not in my own corner, who else is going to be?

That if I know my numbers and the pulse of my business at all time, I can make those really hard decisions when I need to. Even when I fear or question, I can make confident decisions based on facts.

That I can pour everything into something and find joy if it the results don’t show the work.

That progress is 1000x better than perfection.

And that a really cute outfit does make me feel like I can conquer the world! 😉

If I could go back to two years ago and give myself any advice for the future it would be this -

Don’t give up, just keep going. Always.

So what if you have to pivot.
So what if something failed.
So what if that idea didn’t work out.
So what if ____.

The joy of running your business and finding exactly what you sought out to create is on the other side of all the shoes (literally and figuratively) dropping and the pivots being taken.

Don’t give up. Keep going. Learn more. Listen more. Be willing to change. But don’t ever, ever give up!

If my business journey can encourage you even a tiny bit to go after your dreams, to take the risk and leave it all out on the table when God is calling you to something than my business would have been successful!! 💗💗

Here’s to 2024, crushing big dreams and watching/supporting other women to do the same!