Happy November friends!

I mean, can you even believe that it is November 1st and that Halloween has come and gone?

Pure craziness how fast this year is flying by especially this fall.

Today, I have another sick kid home, oy vey. We seriously cannot keep our family well this fall and I know one of the number one reasons why is that we haven’t been using our oils and we have been on the go way too much. I head out of town this weekend with some friends but come Monday, it is back to the basics and back to making sure we are doing everything we can to get this germs behind us.

For now…let’s recap Halloween 2022.

Thankfully by Saturday the girls were both feeling better (and then Savannah went down again yesterday) so we followed through our plans and went to our friends Halloween party and neighborhood trick or treating. Because Halloween was on a Monday, their neighborhood had a huge party on Saturday and it was the best time.

The girls got to dress up and trick or treat with their friends and ride in style thanks to the teenagers of the group who took them out and rode through the neighborhood.

I think we are finally getting to the age where easy costumes of their favorite movies/shows/etc will become the new norm. Neither girls were interested in dressing up in anything crazy and decided to be Cher from Clueless and Elle Woods from Legally Blonde.

All the moms dressed up as The Spice Girls (we are only 4 though so we were missing Ginger Spice) and the Dads went as our security. It was so fun to dress up together and do our own trick or treating around the neighborhood as houses handed out adult beverages and snacks!

The kids pretty much ditched us instantly so this was the only photo I got of them trick or treating!

On Halloween we just did a quick trip around our street and called it a night. The girls after one street said they were done so we went inside and watched Hocus Pocus, cooked dinner and ate candy!

It was fun to get Oakley in on the action as a little candy corn! She did so well walking around with us even though she was overstimulated and there were so many people trying to get her attention.

That’s a wrap on Halloween 2022!

We already can’t wait for next year! 🎃


