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Friday Favorites

Hi friends, happy Friday!

Whew, it has been a week over here…anyone else feel like this has been the longest week ever? I am so glad that it is Friday and while we have a busy night between the Father/Daughter dance and a Youth Night at church, I am ready for the weekend and to spend some time resting.

Before I start with my favorites from the week (honestly this week was a doozy so not many favs) one thing that is NOT my favorite…I have my first ear infection and a sinus infection. Whomp whomp. I don’t even know how or why but it explains why I have been feeling so run down this week. I am currently waiting for my prescriptions and I will spend some time resting this weekend to let them do their job.

It is always something and I swear lately if there is something to catch, someone in my house is catching it. 🤪

Anyways, here we go…

Earlier this month I hosted our February Gathered event and I gave everyone a little welcome gift that included affirmation cards. I kept this one and have it on my nightstand and just love reading it.

Every day I am moving towards my best life.

What a wonderful reminder that every small step every day is moving us towards the life that we want to create and live for ourselves. Whatever that version of life is for you, I pray that you remember that you are the co-author of your story (I 100% believe that God is the author of our story but with free will, we get to choose what we do with the story He is writing) and that you are capable of living the life you dream of.

Along the same lines, I saw this quote on IG this week and took a screenshot because I loved it so much.

If you are not curating your IG feed to show you positive, encouraging and thoughtful things…I encourage you to spend some time unfollowing and following accounts that bring you to life and/or drain you. It does wonders.

I hope this goodness speaks to you too!

This week I did 2 night markets and had a blast at them both! I put together this outfit after having a conversation with a friend about wearing what you love and not worrying about what anyone thinks. Not going to lie, I 1000% perfect felt like ai Looked like my 11 year old daughter here but I was comfortable and felt cute and loved my outfit so I rolled with it. It’s a little younger and edgier than I usually dress but I was so happy in it.

Also, I love that I cleaned my mirror before I left home and in set up it got all smudged up. 😂 If that doesn’t scream pop up market, I really don’t know what does! Lol.

Last night the family joined me for my pop up…they have food and live music and lawn games, it’s a whole lot of fun and I am so glad that they joined me for the evening. And, I loved the help! Savannah wanted to snap some pics in front of the sign and gosh, she is just growing up right before my eyes. She just made the middle school cheer team and she couldn’t be more excited.

Alright friends, that is all I got this week. I hope your week was a great one and felt shorter than mine LOL. See ya back here on the blog next week!