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I am back on this beautiful Friday to hop in for a quick Friday Favorites post! Linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals. I love looking back on some of my favorite things from the last week and catching up on others posts too!

This morning I have a hair appointment so I am probably going to keep this weeks short…it is time from another Brazilian Blowout and if your hair is anything like mine, you know that is a necessity especially living in Florida. That will for sure be a favorite today!

Anyways, lets get started with the fun stuff that happened this week…

First up, so random but a new to me dairy free creamer. Sometimes DF creamer is just ick so when I find one I like I get hooked on it. I also bought the sweet cream flavor and that one is just as good. I get bored of flavors quick so finding new DF creamer is fun and keeps me from going to Starbucks multiple times a week.

Also, just realziing my IG caption is wrong….fair free 🤷🏻‍♀️ should be dairy free LOL

We’ve had lots of beach days this past week and none of us are mad about it. I mean, how could you with this view? The girls also got these shell necklaces and are wearing them nonstop.

They have been wanting them but truthfully, we hardly stop in the beach stores when we go to the beach. When we randomly parked near one (which is rare, we usually find hidden spots on AMI and stay away from the vacationers) so we hopped in and all their dreams came true. They are really great quality for $6.

It has been 100 degrees here for so long…welcome to FL summer and so I have been wearing all the dresses all the time. Something about a dress is just so easy and when you are freaking hot, you don’t want anything touching you. Is that just me? LOL

Anyways, I keep grabbing for this one again and again.

A couple weeks ago Savannah (age 11) came to me and told me that she wanted to start a skincare routine.

I thought it was a great idea as she heads into 6th grade this fall so we went to work to find non-toxic products for her precious skin. Thankfully, Young Living made that really easy for us and yesterday, we shared what we decided on and her sweet little routine.

Truthfully, I wish I would have established a better skincare routine when I was younger so I am thrilled that she came to me and wanted to start.

I shared yesterday in a blog post all about it if you also have a preteen ready for a routine.

Last but not least, my new book. I mean, I literally laughed so hard when I opened the package because I was not at all expecting it to be this big and heavy.

I have been kind of neglecting my YL business for a couple months while I got my boutique up and running but now that I feel like we are in a really good place, I want to start pouring back into my business and customers.

As I was talking to a friend the other day, I asked her for some updated recommendations on resources…YL has added some incredible products to their site and my previous desk reference didn’t have them so I wanted to update. Anyways, she suggested this one and welp, I love it.

So basically, if you have any oily questions…if I don’t know this book has to know 😂 hahaha

Alright friends, that is all I have for today! I am hopping off to get ready for my hair appointment then to come home and prep for tonight’s pop up shop!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!