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Friday Favorites (8.16.24)

Happy Friday friends! Today, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for another edition of Friday Favorites (whew, it has been a while since I have linked up with Friday Favs but I am so happy to be back) and wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

This week we went back to school, finally had a full week of cheer (we started late and were delayed because of Hurricane Debbie and then flooding that followed) - I also had jury duty, a dentist appointment for both Joe and I plus a pop up last night and well, my favorite thing is that it is in fact Friday and we can sleep in a bit tomorrow morning, ha!

Anyways, I am pumped to be linking up today so let’s jump in…

First up these girlies started another school year and they are my favorite!

Paisley started middle school and 6th grade and Savannah is in her last year of middle school and is off to 8th grade. I cannot believe that we are officially done with middle school and that we have two middle schoolers! Feels like just yesterday they were 2 and 4 and we were hanging at the park all day! Time is a thief friends.

I shared that over the summer our oldest, Camren (21) moved out into his 1st apartment and as sad as I was to have him move out and not live with us anymore, I was happy to finally have an extra room in the house I could turn into my office.

I have been working from the dining room table, the couch, the hallway (for photoshoots lol), a teeny tiny desk in my bedroom - basically anywhere comfortable I could find for 3 years and well, I missed having an office and being able to have everything in one space/place and be able to shut the door and mentally turn it off instead of having everything all over my house.

The last couple of weeks I have spent time decorating and while half the room is super practical with a desk, white board and pink photo backdrop for our website, the other half is beautiful and just makes me so happy. We are using this backdrop for lives and stories and some photos and I couldn’t love it more. I also love that for my local customers, there is a cute space for them to come and shop in person, try things on etc.

When decorating, I tried to keep in mind what I would want our storefront to look like one day and well, I think I nailed exactly what I was going for and I look forward to working in this space so much. Feel free to click the photo for sources, or I linked them all here.

Back to school for me has meant back to the 5:00 AM club if I want to be able to have my quiet time and workout before the busyness of the day gets started! I have loved being back on my routine and back to getting dressed again after and summer of athletic wear, bathing suits and comfies!

Here are some of my favorite looks this week, each photo is linked to the dress if you love them too!

Striped Dress - HERE

Leopard Dress - HERE

Floral Dress - HERE

I have noticed that my Amazon and shopping orders have been such a random assortment recently. My favorite random finds?

Gold Nails

Uno Splash, Waterproof Cards

Acne Support from Hero

I needed some nails to hang the baskets in my office and loved these gold ones, such cute nails, who knew! We are also trying to soak in more time on the boat and the girls get bored when Joe is fishing (I usually read) so I grabbed these waterproof cards and they love them. Last, since my flare up in July my skin has been screaming and needed major help, these patches, gel and dermaplaner have helped so so much.

Alright friends, that is all I have. We are headed out on the boat tomorrow to soak up our last Saturday before cheer games take every weekend and then Sunday we are off to church and home to get laundry and chores done before resting and starting all over again on Monday!

I hope everyone has a great weekend, looking forward to seeing you back on the blog next week!