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Happy Friday friends!

Whew, what a week ya’ll. We had a tropical storm come through this week so school was cancelled yesterday and today we are off for Veteran’s Day so it has been a little 🤪 with the girls come and coming back from vacation.

I was thinking about this yesterday, I have not had a full work week since the end of September between Hurricane Ian, nonstop sickness, a quick girls trip and another hurricane. Legit someone has been home or I have been gone every single week. As frustrating as it can feel sometimes, I am remembering that my favorite part of owning my own business is being home for my family and prioritizing balance in my life.

The girls did a lot of school work and chores yesterday to keep busy while I worked but they also did a lot of this…

Another favorite from this week was taking the girls after school to go vote with me. I want them to always know that it is a great privilege to vote and that they should always exercise their right to do so. The boys went together after work and it was a great experience for them to go together for Cam’s first time voting.

A favorite of last week was this incredible view from our cabin in Tennessee.

My girls trip was so much fun and while I am missing these views, it was a favorite. And TN is such a favorite, we just booked our family vacay to TN for Christmas break and we cannot wait. This time we are headed just borth of Nashville so we can enjoy both the city and country life with cooler weather.

Cannot freaking wait. If you have any Nashville recs, send them my way.

Another favorite from this week….this picture Joe sent me of Savannah when he picked her up from her Grandparents this weekend. 😂

Since Cam was resting and healing from getting all of his wisdom teeth out this past weekend, the girls went to spend time with their Grandparents while Joe took care of Cam. They live about an hour south of us and the girls love to go there for the weekend. This picture reminds me just how much my girl is growing up and how big she is getting.

Last but not least, my favorite way to give back to my customers is to run a sale and yesterday, I marked down 60 items up to 50% on Shop Rooted and Free!

Help me clear the shelves and get ready for new inventory and sale big!

I hope you all have a great weekend We are going to relax, run to Target and enjoy the nice weather!