Okay, so most of my posts have a little more “meat” to them but I also know that this blog is a great way for our community to get to know me better so I thought, ya know what…sometimes I have to throw in some silly, frivolous posts to keep it light and fun but also, I mean doesn’t everyone love a mindless scroll post?

Anyways, if you love Starbucks like me you are all 🥰 and if not you are probably all 🙄 but either way, I hope you’ll stick around for a few!

So….my name is Kate and I love Starbucks. I know so many people do too and I swear few things make my heart happier than pulling into the drive through line and away with one of their cups. And during the holidays, it is just a little bit happier with those red cups. LOL

Now, I do try and support local coffee shops when I can but truthfully, there aren’t really any near me (which is a bummer) but I do support local when I can. I am also dairy free so I do have to make sure the local shops I do support have DF options and sadly, not all of them do but I know they are trying.

Okay….so what do I order? I feel like I am a seasonal girl and switch depending on what season it is but since I live in Florida, sometimes my seasons can be a little off LOL

But, here are my top 5 favorite drinks…

  1. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Latte - This is definitely a treat drink and not something I order a ton because it is not at all healthy but it is delicious and if I am craving sweet, this is my go to.

  2. Hot Skinny Vanilla Latte - This is my go to drink anytime I get something hot. It is my fav and has been for years. I ask for no foam or light though because sometimes the foam is too much.

  3. Hot Skinny Vanilla Latte with pumps of pumpkin - Okay, don’t hate me but I don’t love the PSL. It tastes so strong and fake and thats coming from a die hard pumpkin girl. But, I just don’t love the PSL. I do love the hint of pumpkin added to my SVL though. I usually do 2 pumps of pumpkin. You can do this hot or iced too.

  4. Iced Dirty Chai Tea Latte - If I am wanting something different I will get this. I can’t remember who I saw post it but I tried it and LOVED it. Chai Tea with Espresso. I mean, you will for sure feel it but isn’t that what we want? LOL

  5. Hot Medicine Ball - If you are feeling under the weather or even just a little extra tired to me, this is the perfect comfort drink. Warms my soul, LOL. It is lemonade and tea and just so so good.

I have for sure passed my love of Starbucks onto my kids and they all love the Strawberry Acai with lemonade and 2 pumps of raspberry. I think Cam started this and now the girls ask for it weekly LOL

Alright, do you love Starbucks as much as we do? What is your go-to order?


