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Okay, I will admit…I don’t love protein shakes.

But, I am trying.

The taste (especially the after taste) of most protein shakes are so gross to me but I am on the hunt for great protein shake recipes that are quick and easy to make in the middle of my day. I have talked before about how I do intermittent fasting and don’t start eating until 11am but, some days I am hungrier a bit before then and sometimes, I am not hungry at all so I have been thinking a lot about protein shakes and how they can help me break my fast everyday.

So in my hunt for the best protein shake I can make at home (most of the store bought ones contain dairy and I am dairy free) I came up with one that is a total winner for me. It tastes like a chocolate shake and I have actually been looking forward to it most days so I thought I would share my recipe!

Spoiler alert, it has a scoop of Nutella in it 😂

Chocolate Nutella Protein Shake

Ingredients //

  • 1 scoop of your favorite chocolate protein powder

  • 1 scoop peanut butter

  • 1 scoop nutella

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 handful ice

  • 8-12 oz almond milk depending on desired size

Directions //

  • Add ice and banana into blender

  • Add milk into blender

  • Add protein powder, peanut butter and nutella

  • Blend well to desired consistency

  • Enjoy!

Notes //

  • I add in the milk before adding in the peanut butter, protein powder and nutella so that they don’t stick to the side of or bottom of the blender. The milk acts as a base and you are blending quickly after which prevents those ingredients from getting stuck to the blender!