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Easy Mom Outfit

A couple weeks ago Shop Rooted and Free launched their loungewear collection and I had zero control over keeping something from the entire collection. The cozy element, the effortless style when you dress them up with jewelry and truly friends, I kept one of just about everything which I don’t do often.

Today, I am not feeling my best - long story short, I totally forgot to call in and then pick up prescription for my thyroid and while I had been feeling okay, my body crashed hard last night and even though I started taking the medicine again today I am feeling off. But, I also made a commitment to myself that I would not stay in my workout clothes all day. I did the Peloton this morning and needed to shower and get ready so I reached for my new loungewear set for a day of working at home.

I love that the matching elements automatically elevate the look and that it is shorts and a sweatshirt. This morning and this evening will be in the 50/60’s but we are supposed to have a high of nearly 80 today so I needed to be able to shed layers and this outfit knocked it out of the park.

The picture above is me today — minimal makeup, hair pulled back and glasses but below, are photos styled from Shop Rooted and Free which shows you how easily you can keep elevating this look and style it throughout your day if you too need to shed layers!

An easy, work from home, mom on the go style which is my fav!