DIY Holiday Cleaner

Okay, I know so many people already have all their holiday decor up and are belting Mariah from the rooftops but, I am not there yet. It could be that it is still 90 degrees in Florida or, maybe I am just trying to savor the Thanksgiving season but regardless…even if I am not decking all the halls, I know some of you are and that’s cool too!

While I haven’t put up my tree yet, I did make some festive DIY cleaner sine I needed to make a refill of my all purpose cleaner and I thought welp, may as well make it festive since this will take me well into the Christmas season whether I am ready or not.

If you have been here a while than you know we are a low-tox family…and my low-tox I mean we are not crunchy but try to be mindful of all the harmful chemicals surrounding us and try to make better choices along the way. I have said it before and I will say it again, we will never be 100% toxic free, I know that but I do feel better in mind and body when we are choosing better products around the house. I don’t think it has to be all or nothing and instead, I try to focus on certain areas like my home — we don’t use candles, we use Young Living laundry detergent and hand soap and like shown here, we also use Young Living household cleaner.

We have been using the cleaner for about 3 years now and I will never go back to just grabbing something at Target. This cleaner is super effective, can be used on any surface and can be “scented” with oils that not only help your wellness but smell great too.

Thieves Household Cleaner only uses plant-based and naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean your home without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harsh ingredients. Since it is ultra-concentrated it goes a really long way (one bottle will make 22-24 bottles of cleaner) and since it is non-abrasive, Thieves Household Cleaner is perfect for just about any surface and is infused with Young Living's signature Thieves premium essential oil blend that will fill your home with a rich, spicy aroma.

During different times of the year I like to use different oils to make it smell even better (I love the smell of Thieves) and during the holidays that is no different so here is my easy, DIY household cleaner.

Holiday Cheer Cleaner //

What you’ll need -

How to Make -

  • In a glass spray bottle, add one capful of Thieves Cleaner

  • Fill with water to the top of the bottle

  • Add in 7-10 drops of Christmas Spirit essential oil

  • Shake well and use!

Super simple and easy to make, it will take you longer to read this blog post than it will to make this, I promise!

Ready to order and make it? I would love for you to use my affiliate link and come alongside me in a low-tox journey! If you order let me know so I can send you some extra goodies to welcome you.


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