Ya’'ll can you even believe that it is January 18th already?

I had an appointment this morning and had to write the date down when I signed in and I had to look at my phone twice because I just could not believe that we are already over the halfway mark of January. This month is flying by. 😳

Or, maybe I am showing my age? Is talking about the date as bad as talking about the weather? Lol. Either way, I talk about both so, welcome to your mid-30’s!

I digress!

This year on the blog I am committed to making sure that my posts are not just chalk full of what I am doing…I know we like the behind the scenes and regular day to day stuff but, I want to make sure that I am being a good resource to you ladies and sharing more tips/tricks on how I manage life as a wife, mom and entrepreneur. Now, before you go thinking I have it all together….I don’t. Not even close. However, I am making a conscious effort everyday to do better, be better and create rhythms in my life that help me take care of everything I need to in order to build and live the life that I want!

Which brings me to today’s blog post….

I spent time in December recapping the year, evaluating what was working, what wasn’t working, things that needed to pivot or change, etc. I took a full week where I didn’t do any pop ups, no appointments, nothing. I literally took the kids to school and until I picked them up I was head down in evaluating my year personally and professionally and making goals as well as changes for the new year.

If you have never done that, I highly recommend. And, maybe you don’t need a week. Maybe a day would be fine. Whatever the time is that you need, I encourage you to do it and nope, it isn’t too late even though it is mid January!

Anyways, one of the big challenges for me in 2022 was feeling like I didn’t have enough time in the day. Because I work a couple evening a week (usually 2, maybe 3 depending on the week) and work weekends (usually, I have a pop up every other Saturday or so) I try to be done with work/to-do’s by the time I pick the girls up from school when I don’t have a pop up. Which means, I have from 7:45 AM when I get home from drop off to 2:45 PM when I leave to grab them to get everything done.

That is not a lot of time.

So, I sat down and I put together lists of things I do need to do each morning (check my email, post on social, write a blog etc), each week (work on new arrivals, prep for pop ups, etc), each month (update finances, apply for new markets, etc) and each quarter (things like taxes and stuff that are due quarterly) for my businesses. This way when I sit down to work, I am focused on what I truly need to get done. Then I reorganized my notebook that holds things that come up where I jot down what I need to get done each week. This has helped my time be more focused and doesn’t leave me guessing what needs to be done and when.

Personally, I felt like I was letting too many things slip that made me feel like me and be the best wife, mom and business owner I can be. As always, I was leaving myself last and in turn, feeling it across the board in other areas of my life.

So, when I set my word for the year I decided to create some daily rhythms around the word that will help me be the best I can be physically, emotionally and spiritually. I made a note on my phone that I can check off each day when I do it and it has been working well so far. Right now as I establish the habits and rhythms I am trying to check off most of these each day and my hope is that soon I will consistently check them all off.

I know that it is really easy for me to get off course because I get bored and like doing multiple things during the day and week. And, I know that when I get busy that the first thing to go is taking care of myself so I am hopeful that being extra organized (which is funny because I am a super organized person) will help me stay on track and leave me feeling less all over the place in 2023.

I would love to hear what you do to help keep yourself in daily and weekly rhythms! How do you tackle your to-do’s and structure your week? Leave me a comment below, I would love to hear!


