Check In & Life Lately

Hi friends! Wow, this space has been left dormant for a few unintentional weeks and it feels good to put a little pen to paper, er fingers to keyboard.

The past month has really been a whirlwind, from traveling to New Jersey and planning a baby shower from afar to sickness running through my house, some bad news in our extended family, some struggles for our kiddos that I won’t dive deeper into (our of respect for them and what is going on), running around in the busyness of fall and just regular life — I have felt overwhelmed, full of emotions and quite honestly really stressed out.

I didn’t mean to intentionally ignore this space because I love it so much here but, when shit hits the fan this is the first place to go and while I hate that it really just is what it is. When I went through my season of burn out I realized that it isn’t healthy for me mentally of physically to just keep pushing through each and every thing and instead, I need to choose what has to get done, what is more important and what I can let go of. And while I have done a much better job at that in recent years, I am still not great at it and physically I can feel it in my body.

Currently, my body is going through a flare up, my joints hurts and I am getting frequent headaches and I know it is all stressed related. Last week was tough and this week, I am making better decision to care well for my body to see if I can get this flare up under control.

If you find yourself in a similar season, here are a few things I am doing -

  1. Hydrating! Water upon water is where I am and I am loving this new cup gifted to me by a friend.

  2. Using my oils, in particular Stress Away both diffusing and wearing topically.

  3. Slowing down in the mornings. This morning I listened to music and enjoyed hot coffee while I fed by sourdough starter.

  4. Reminding myself of God’s word. Scripture reading and worship music feel like balm to my soul.

  5. Getting enough sleep. I am usually a night owl and had been waking up early too but my body right now needs as much rest as I can get.

  6. Dressing comfortably. I need no fuss right now so I am keeping it simple so that I can honor where I am…in fact I just took a 20 minute power nap and was super comfortable whereas when I dress I won’t ever allow myself to do that.

Anyways, I share all of this just to share that life is sometimes hard and while the internet and social media may have you believe that you are the only one going through hard stuff I just want to remind you that those are moments and glimpses into days, not their whole days. And, you aren’t the only one who is going through hard stuff. I am praying for you and covet your prayers as well.

I am not sure how consistent I will be here on the blog until things calm down but I promise to show up as much as possible! See you soon friends.


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