Chaos Coordinator

When I set out to start this blog my whole goal was to show everyday life as a wife, mom and entrepreneur. To share the ins and outs of life running a business with a family and how it is fun, hectic, crazy, sweet, amazing and everything in between. Life gets busy and so many days I just dub myself the “chaos coordinator” as I try to juggle it all with grace and grit.

It has been awesome to share the messy middle with you here on the blog but to be totally honest, when life gets super hectic, it is the first thing to be put on the back burner. And, that is just life so I am totally good with it! 😀 Sometimes, something has to go and for me, it seems always be the blog!

The last week has been nothing short of complete craziness between end of school year (our last day is Friday) activities and last minute add ons, end of spring cheer, my health (spent most of last Thursday at the doctors office), business has been so busy (the boutique is having it’s best month ever), regular life and responsibilities, etc. All really great stuff (well, besides my health) but all stuff that has kept us so super busy!

I swear the first week of summer vacation we are all going to crash, haha!

Anyways, this weekend had some really sweet moments that I would just pop on and share…

First, this sweet photo popped up on my Facebook memories and oh my gosh! I miss those little baby cheeks! And that big backyard!

Both girls had birthday parties to go to this weekend so we spent lots of time running them around but in between that, we did something we have wanted to do for so so long…

We bought a boat!

Since we did some add ons to the boat they are working on it and we can pick it up later this week in time for Memorial Day weekend! We are so excited and waited years to save up and be able to do this! Plus, now that the girls are older it just makes it so much easier!

Joe and I attended an engagement party for a friend and it was so fun to have a date night celebrating them! They had it at a fun Tiki Bar in Sarasota and the views especially at sunset were 🥰

My hair uncurled and we were sweating like pigs but those views and the company made it all worth it!

Last week I had 3 pop ups and while there is live music, I am always so thankful for my iPad so I can also keep up with my Yankees! 😂

This cutie follows me around everywhere during the day and last week when I was prepping for my pop up outside I came in to find her like this…

I promptly ran to her and cuddled her which she gave me the side eye for, lol. She sure was comfy!

It was a fun and busy last week filled with sweet moments and lots of long hours! This week as we wrap up school and cheer, it may be hit or miss on the blog but I am going to do my best to keep up! I hope everyone has a great week ahead!


Red, White + Blue Outfit Inspo


Couscous Salad Recipe