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Happy Hump Day friends!

Anyone else finding it hard to believe that we are already about to be in July?

Crazy how fast this summer and year is flying by.

Speaking of summer…we are continuing our summer of fun and we were really excited with Beyond Van Gogh reached out to us to see if we wanted to visit their Sarasota Immersion Experience. Sometimes, with the brutal heat and the afternoon storms we are looking for fun and easy things to do and this was the perfect afternoon adventure.

I am not a history buff at all, but I love learning about people so I really loved reading about Van Gogh’s story and inspiration behind his artwork, how he got started, etc. I had no idea that initially he wanted to be a Pastor so that was a fun fact to learn.

The girls and I all agreed that our favorite part of the experience was watching the paintings come alive. I shared more on my IG where you can see the movement and videos but you can even see in there photos who cool it was so watch the floor and walls be “painted” with his artwork. It was pretty incredible.

And lots of really great quotes….

We had been wanting to check this out for some time, it is right by our house and we pass it all the time when we go to the UTC area so it was awesome being able to check it out. Highly recommend if you are looking for something to do and there is one in your area. You can stay for as little or as long as you want!

After this we hit up Target and then tumbling reminding me that we were in fact not on vacation and in an art museum but it was fun to escape for an hour or so, LOL.