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If you would have told me a year ago that I would be living back in Florida and working towards opening up an online womens boutique I would have probably laughed in your face and told you that you were crazy. Like legit, crazy.

A year ago I was working in full time ministry, my health was a complete mess and I was living in New Jersey. A far cry from what my life looks like now. I was also helping my kids through virtual learning, grieving a really big loss and honestly, just trying to survive each day the best I could. I still had dreams and desires but honestly, in the midst of everything that was going on, every dream I had seemed really far off and farther away than ever.

Now, a year later my health is progressing (I will share more of that another day) and I am still grieving but so many other things have changed that have allowed me to start dreaming again.

Praise!! Because not dreaming is not fun. LOL

Anyways, when we moved back to Florida I made a promise to myself and my family that I would take the rest of the year off (we moved in July so this gave me a sold 6 months) to begin to dream again and figure out what I wanted to do next. As I prayed and thought a lot about what I should be doing next my heart and mind kept coming back to one thing…a womens boutique.

Opening up a womens boutique has always been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember. I have always loved wandering around downtown areas and popping in and out of cute little stores that are small businesses where you can feel the love and care that went into curating the products that they have. I can get lost for hours walking in these stores and learning about the women that own them through the things that they sell. It fills me with such joy and I have always dreamed of owning a shop that other women can come in and out of.

It isn’t about just shopping for me…its about an experience. Giving women a space to gather, a place to find things that make her feel and look her best. An experience that makes her feel joyful and confident and excited for what is to come. A safe place to rediscover herself and step into her passions and purpose.

So, I am excited to be dreaming again and following my dream…my hope is that in doing so, it encourages another woman to do the same. To start my boutique will be online with the dreams and goals of opening up a brick and mortar in town soon. I can’t wait to create that space online until I can open up a physical place as well.

Cheers to 2022 and the launch of a dream…Shop Rooted + Free!