5 Tips: Start Drinking More Water

I have always been someone who loves water. I could drink it all day everyday and never get sick of it but I know that isn’t the case for many people. Typically, a day for me consists of 1 cup of coffee in the morning followed by 2-3 full water bottles ranging from 32 - 40 oz and then I will sometimes have an Olipop, Iced Tea or Pelligrino with dinner but not always, sometimes its another bottle of water.

To say I stay hydrated would be an understatement, lol.

My family always jokes that I drink too much water but the truth is, I feel 100x better when I am hydrated and the best thing for that is good ole water. There is nothing like feeling good and knowing that something as simple (and free!) as water has an impact on your body so positively is an easy yes for me and should be for you too!

Today, I thought that I would share with you my top 5 tips to get yourself to drink more water if you have trouble getting all your ounces in everyday!

  1. Figure out how you prefer your water - Just typing this kind of makes me laugh. Water is so simple, not really anything to it of course but I swear to you, figuring out how you prefer your water is half the battle. I prefer ice cold, hurt your teeth cold water, ha! But, my husband prefers to drink his room temperature most of the time. Just knowing this will help you get those ounces down faster.

  2. Start and end your day with 8 oz - Trick your mind into making this a challenge. Before you can have your coffee in the morning, drink a bottle of water. Before you brush your teeth at night drink a bottle of water. Don’t let yourself have that coffee, brush your teeth to go to bed or whatever other thing you choose between drinking that water. You can do this 2-3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and drink) and you can easily have 16-24 oz down without thinking much of it.

  3. Have water with you all the time - At your desk. On the counter while you cook. Next to you while you workout. On your nightstand. Wherever you are, keep water there and when you notice it, drink it. Having it easily accessible and in your face all day will help you to remember to drink it because I swear half the time, people just forget to drink.

  4. Move your body - I know that feels like an “easy” answer to any problem but moving your body really does make a difference in your life in so many aspects. When I think of the days that I drink the most, its days that I am active because your body will want more hydration and when you get in the habit of being active, you will very easily get in the habit of hydrating more too.

  5. Get a really great cup - It’s kind of like how a cute outfit can make you feel like you can conquer the world, a cute cup that you love will make you drink more. Call it girl math, call it whatever you want but I know that it works so take yourself to the store and pick up a cute new water bottle that you are excited to use.

My favorite water bottles, linked below. I rotate between the 4 of these constantly but if I had to choose only one, I would for sure choose the Brumate because it is leakproof, it’s really the only thing that makes it different from the others but its a huge plus!

Friends, there are so many benefits to drinking the correct amount of water everyday and it can be easier to think even if you aren’t a big fan of water. With a few tricks you got this!


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