Hi friends! Wow, it feels really good to be here on the blog on a Monday morning. It does not always happen right now, but when it does…it sure does feel good.

Anyways, today I am jumping on here to share a few tips and tricks that I have learned working from home. I opened my boutique and started working for myself less than a year ago but before that, like everyone else, I got lots of practice working from home during the pandemic and even before that, I usually worked from home 1 day a week so, I feel like I have figured out a few things that help me make it a productive week and not get distracted by all the things all the time at home.

So, here are my top 5 tips and tricks for working at home…

  1. Have a dedicated space to work! It doesn’t have to be big or fancy. It doesn’t even need to be it’s own room (even though that is nice), it just has to be a space fully dedicated for work. Right now in our rental, that looks like a desk in my bedroom. It isn’t cute, it isn’t the biggest or the best space, but it is dedicated just to work and it functions fine. I sit here to work on computer stuff, get organized, etc. I package orders elsewhere because of space but my dedicated focused work time outside of prep/orders is right here. It is so helpful to have a space to be and keep all of your stuff rather than it being everywhere around your house.

  2. Keep work hours! Okay, I know this is easier said than no whether you work from home or the office, but it is so important. My fast track to burn out was working basically 24/7 and I refuse to do that again. It landed me in a lot of health trouble and wasn’t good for me, my family, or my job. Just remember, work hours don’t necessarily mean 9-5…depending on your job/business this way look different. But, know when you are starting and stopping and stick to that timeframe as much as you can (it will never be perfect because that is life but if 90% of the time you are sticking to it, that 10% doesn’t feel so icky). In my experience, not sticking to this blurs the line of home and work too much and they need to be able to be separated.

  3. Leave the chores for later! Again, easier said than done but I have found that when I am working, I need to focus on work so that when I am not working I can focus on my family, friends, self, home, etc. It is easy to think that when you are home you can/should do all the chores while working and again from personal experience, it doesn’t work. We can’t do the chores at the same time we are working and we shouldn’t have to just because we are home. Now, here is my caveat….this rule can be bent….but not broken. For example, I always do laundry while I work. I will switch clothes in and out all day long. But, I will never stop to put them away. I will throw them on my bed to be folded/put away after work. But, I do like having a 5 minute break to move my legs and push laundry forward for my family of 5. But, taking those 5 minutes is like a little water cooler break for me, it takes hardly any time and I often need those 5 minutes to step away from the computer.

  4. Don’t forget to eat and move! It can be easy to just keep trucking along. This was true of me in the office too but especially at home I would just keep working and not stop. I think that is why the laundry trick works for me because it forces me to stop for a few minutes. Hydrating, eating, moving your body for a few minutes is so important to a productive work day so don’t forget to fuel your body!

  5. Find ways to connect with others! When I worked in ministry and had 1 day a week that I worked from home I absolutely loved being alone. I was around people and with people and in meetings so much the other work days that my Wednesdays worked from home was a sacred place. No people, no meetings, just focused work and I freaking loved it. My introverted self who loves a good task list lived for Wednesdays, lol. But now, I am alone so often (during the school year) that I crave people time. So, once a week on Friday’s I meet with a few other women who own businesses and we come together to catch up, brainstorm, etc. Sometimes throughout the week we will also do power hours together and work alongside of each other. It makes so much of a difference in my week! Remember, you may be alone at home but you aren’t alone….

Do you work from home? What other tips/tricks would you add to this list? Any resonate with you that work or that you think you should try?

Let me know in the comments below!


