Hi, friends! I hope everyone had a great start to their week yesterday and is hitting the ground running today! I had a crazy Monday (well, maybe not crazy but it was a Monday Monday if there ever was one) but a productive one too and am ready to keep crushing it this week.

I have 2 markets in the next week which means I have a lot of prep ahead of me which I love. Gosh, y’all I get so bored and tired of being on the computer so much so I really love the days where I get to pull orders, prep for markets, etc….something about moving just refreshes me LOL.

When I prep for markets or pull/pack orders I almost always have a podcast going in the background. I am one of those people that cannot work in silence, it drives me crazy and actually distracts me more so I always have something going in the background and 80% of the time, its a podcast (the other times its music).

Are you a podcast person? I love podcasts!

Today, since I have a few days of podcasting ahead of me, I thought that I would share my 5 favorite podcasts to listen to! Fair warning, its all over the place 😂 and truly a little bit of everything.

  1. The Bestie Breakdown - Okay, I have been reading Shay and Erika’s blogs for probably 10 years now and so when they said they were starting a podcast I was all in. The first season was terrible…so many audio issues and just kind of finding their footing but season 2 was so good. And let’s be honest, I loved season 1 too LOL because I love listening to the beginning of people trying new things and to see how they pushed through and what season 2 was, thats my jam and made me love them even more. It’s just 2 friends chatting about life and family and pop culture and you feel like you are sitting with friends over coffee.

  2. Swiping Up - Hi, my name is Kate and I love following bloggers on IG. My feed is mostly IG bloggers and I have no shame. Haha. I discovered this podcast where they discuss all things BIB (basic IG bloggers) and it is hilarious. Wendy and Spencer don’t hold back but they aren’t mean girls either, they just kind call it like they see it and if you follow BIB’s I think you’ll love it too. So fun!

  3. The Whimsy + Wellness Podcast - I love this one for all things wellness and health. This is from the Whimsy + Wellness Oil brand and they interview different people passionate about health and happiness. I always leave listening to this podcast inspired to better care for myself and my family and always feel like I gain new tools and knowledge from it. If you are interested in learning more about different ways to care for your mind and body, this is such a great podcast and Meg’s voice was made for podcasts.

  4. That Sounds Fun with Annie F Downs - I am a huge fan of Annie’s books and have loved her podcasts for years. She talks all things life from a Christian perspective and has some great interviews too. She is real and raw and honest with her feelings and I always appreciate that about her too.

  5. The Boutique Chat - Okay this one is new to me but since starting my boutique I have been trying to soak up all the tips, tricks and knowledge I can so that I can serve you all best. I have read books, articles, followed others on IG, etc and then I came across this podcast and loved it. Ashley, the host started Boutique Hub which is a network and resource for boutique owners. She does interviews but also gives her own tips and knowledge as well and I have really been enjoying it a lot.

Those are my Top 5 right now but who knows, that could change too. Here are some others I enjoy listening too as well…

  • Crime Junkie

  • Fear-Less Girl

  • The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey

  • Just Ingredients

  • Purposeful Social Selling

  • We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle

What are some of your favs? I would love to hear what I should be adding to my podcast playlist.


