Hello friends!

I hope that you all had a wonderful long 4th of July weekend with your family and friends! I don’t know about you, but I think a 3 day weekend was what everyone needed. I seems like my FB and IG feed were filled with smiles and laughter and togetherness and it truly made me so happy to see.

I hope that whatever you did, it was the best weekend and I thought today, I would recap ours. Spoiler alert, it looked like a lot of beach time. 😂 But, I want to add these photos for years to come and to show you a little peek into our family. If we have a free weekend (which, gosh I wish happened more often) you will 9 times out of 10 find us at the beach.

Anyways, Saturday we were up bright and early and hit up the beach. Somehow, I didn’t take any pictures that I can remember (LOL) and ya know what…sometimes that is the best…and will be a theme this weekend for me. I read, Joe fished, the girls played and swam and it was just perfect.

Sunday, we went to church and came home and reorganized the garage, cut Oakleys hair, pulled weeds…just some housekeeping things we have been needing to do but couldn’t find any time lately to do them. And guess what, more times I took no pictures, haha.

Sunday evening…we went to our friends house for a big party and fireworks, and lots of fun and festive red, white and blue. Somehow, the only pictures I have are filled with lots of other people and out of respect for them I won’t post them here. But picture lots of kids, lots of fireworks, yummy food and drinks. I hope when you closed your eyes you pictured one of your weekend days too! ❤️🤍💙

Monday we braved the beach like a bunch of Florida rookies. LOL

If you don’t know…most people who live here would never go to the beach on a holiday weekend. It is a nightmare to navigate, parking it usually bonkers and more Floridians I know, don’t like to be crammed on the beach (we like space) butttt, we were feeling adventurous and tried it.

It took our usual 30-45 minute drive and turned it into a 3 hour commute onto Anna Maria Island. Oooof! Not going to lie, there were some dicey moments for all of us in the traffic. Somehow, there were multiple accidents, we ran into the parade, people were being jerks…ya know, all the things you would expect. But, it was so worth it.

We stayed until sunset because when it takes you 3 hours to get onto the beach, you stay. We lucked out and found a great parking spot and a wide open beach. It really pays to know where the tourists don’t know about 😂

Anyways, here are some snapshots of our day. It was amazing once we got there and just what we needed…a chill day in the water and sun. I hope that whatever you found yourself doing that it was exactly what your heart needed too!


