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Hey, hey, hey!

Ya’ll in 2 days I am turning 35 years old and every time I say that out loud, I laugh. Something about being in my mid-30’s now feels different and as I creep closer to 40, I wonder how the heck I got here. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like getting older and have definitely found that I become more myself the older I get I just keep thinking about 15 year old Kate and how I wish I could not only hug her and let her know everything will be okay but also, I would love to tell her that 40 isn’t old. Thank you very much! 🤪

Today, I thought it would be fun to share 35 random things about me to celebrate turning 35 on Friday! This will just be random weird, fun facts and maybe a few serious ones thrown in too but all in good fun to help us get to know each other more! So, let’s get started….

  1. I was born in Maryland and moved to Ft Lauderdale, Florida in 5th grade.

  2. I was so mad we were moving to Florida because I was head safety patrol at school and losing that role crushed my 10 year old heart, lol.

  3. I have lived in 4 states…Maryland, Florida, North Carolina and New Jersey. Every time I leave Florida, I always come back. The sunshine and beach will always have my heart.

  4. I love Justin Timberlake and saw his last concert twice…in NJ and in NYC. No regrets on the absurd amount of money I spent on each of those tickets.

  5. In 2020 I was diagnosed with Candida overgrowth which was wrecking my body in so many ways, it is how I got started on my low-tox journey.

  6. I can only drink 1 coffee in the morning. I have tried to be a 2 cup person and I always end up throwing the 2nd down the drain.

  7. I love to travel and am always dreaming up my next vacation. The coolest place I have been so far would be a toss up between my missions trip to El Salvador and getting to go to Guam with Joe on a work trip.

  8. I love sports. Football. Baseball. NASCAR. Love it all. (Tampa Bay Bucs, New York Yankees, Tony Stewart if you were wondering. Lol)

  9. Speaking of NASCAR, I have done a ride along at Charlotte Motor Speedway and it was an incredible experience to go so fast and be strapped in that race car.

  10. I have worked many different careers as I tried to find my passion and purpose….I have been a Realtor, worked in Ministry and in Healthcare.

  11. I was in nursing school and decided it wasn’t for me…I ended up getting my Bachelors Degree in Child Psychology thinking I would become a school guidance counselor.

  12. My hair has been every color…blonde, red, brunette and I should always stick with where I am now the others did not work out well for me, haha.

  13. My favorite treat would be candy…give me some sour patch kids, nerds clusters or anything else chewy and sour over cookies and cake any day.

  14. I am gluten and dairy free. Not always fun or easy but necessary since my body reacts badly to each of those.

  15. I would love to live in San Diego one day.

  16. I don’t believe in forever homes, I actually enjoy moving and creating new spaces and memories in new homes.

  17. My book club in New Jersey was a a Harper Collins book club or the year…we got to go to fun events and get books from them every month and even though it was cut short because of COVID, it was such a cool experience.

  18. My favorite book is Verity by Colleen Hoover. It is twisted and crazy but I read it in one sitting years ago and still can’t stop thinking about it.

  19. My favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy, I have watched it through more times than I can count.

  20. I have watched Grey’s so many times because while I work, I need background noise and would rather listen to a show then music most of the time.

  21. One of mine and Joe’s first dates was a Britney Spears concert…I won tickets off the radio!

  22. My favorite food is chips and salsa. And guac and ceviche! Just send me to Mexico!

  23. I am not a touchy person and I hate cuddling. Sorry not sorry.

  24. I pierced my nose by myself in a bathroom with a point earring in high school.

  25. Unpopular opinion….I did not like the movie Encanto. #donthateme

  26. Growing up, I didn’t know if I wanted kids. The result of a traumatic childhood but now, I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

  27. Blush pink is my favorite color. I actually love color even though my insecurity used to make me only like black.

  28. I live for a to-do list but if it is really long my brain starts to shut down and I get overwhelmed.

  29. I love all music…can literally go from rap to country without even blinking an eye.

  30. I tried karate as a kid and quit after the first class when the girl I was paired with kicked me in the stomach. I literally walked right out of class and refused to do anything else.

  31. I got to spend summers with my Grandparents and those are my best childhood memories.

  32. I hate working out but I love my Peloton.

  33. When my nails are painted I feel like I can conquer the world.

  34. The smell of cigarettes makes me physically ill.

  35. I hate camping but I would love to have an RV one day and renovate it and travel the US.

Gosh, that was harder than I thought coming up with 35 random facts about myself! Anything surprise you? Was there something on there you already knew?

I would love to know about you. Leave me a comment and let me know a random fun fact about you too!