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10 Ways We Simplify Back To School

It is no secret that back to school season is a crazy ones for families every year. The change in schedules, the homework, the additional responsibilities of sports and clubs, the running around to bus stops and carpool…the to do’s seem endless and sometimes the days tasks can be a little overwhelming for kids and parents.

In our house we have 1 kid finishing his last semester of college and we have 2 kids in middle school (I am so sad that our elementary days are officially over) so we have been around the block when it comes to back to school. Over the years I have worked hard to simplifying our schedules to make back to school season and little more seamless and a little less chaotic.

If you are looking for ways to make your back to school a little more streamlined, this blog post is for you. Let’s get started….

  1. Meal Plan & Grocery Pick Up - Feels like the easy button for so many things but seriously, meal planning and ordering groceries is a game changer. Knowing what you are going to make ahead of time for dinner having what you need (without a trip to the store) will make your evenings so much better. Don’t forget to keep your plan simple mama!

  2. Cancel the Extra’s - We know that the first 2 weeks of school (and sports) is crazy busy so cancel everything you don’t need to do. This isn’t the time for extra appointments (unless necessary) and extra stuff on our plates. The more you can just focus on getting everyone back into school the easier.

  3. Have The Kids Help - Even little ones can help make their lunches, clean up dinner, set out their clothes for the next day, etc. My kids have always helped pack their backpack, put away their new clothes (and everything else) and has 6th and 8th graders they were so self sufficient this year! This one is to play the long game and your future self will thank you.

  4. Slow Down & Decompress the Week Before - Last week, we slowed it way down. We went to bed earlier, didn’t have a lot of plans, ate at home, took long showers, really just slowed our minds and bodies down to get ready for the busyness with putting rest first.

  5. Amazon It - As a small business owner myself I always try to advocate for shopping small first but, Amazon comes in clutch when you need there is no denying that. Just yesterday I realized we needed laundry detergent and dishwasher pods and instead of adding an errand to my schedule I jumped on my Amazon app and they will be here tomorrow. Streamline it friend and just order it, you will be happy you did.

  6. End of week crash - We know it is coming, we are all going to be exhausted on Friday after early mornings and long days so the first Friday (and usually the next two as well) are for vegging. Eat for dinner whatever is in the house. No dishes. Throw on pajamas when you get home. Just let everyone do their thing whatever it is to crash at the end of a busy week.

  7. Ask For Help - As moms I think we take on a lot of the back to school burden but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Maybe 2 of your kids need to be picked up at the same time so you ask a friend to carpool. Maybe you can’t get dinner on the table so you ask your husband to take that responsibility. Or you need 10 minutes to think so you ask the kids to do the dishes. Don’t feel like it is all on you, ask for help and let your people help!

  8. Fuel Your Body - Don’t forget to eat and exercise and get enough sleep Mama! You can’t be good for anyone else if you aren’t good for yourself so don’t forget that you need to eat and sleep too! No mom guilt if you can’t get it all done, remember you are only one person!

  9. Make A To Do List - I live and breathe my to do list always but especially in the back to school season. If I don’t write it down, I will likely forget about it so making a list and working off that list will help your mental load so much. Plus, it feels so nice when you can cross something off your list and feel so accomplished.

  10. Be Grateful - I you have been here a while then you know I am big on my gratitude journal, it helps me stay grounded and focused on what really matters in life. When we can reframe our minds and remember why we do all that we do, we can approach the busyness with a grateful heart that we get to do these things that we probably once prayed for!

Alright Mamas, those are my back to school tips and tricks but, I would love to hear yours! How do you make back to school season a smooth one in your house? Let me know in the comments.